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Keep your slush machine running smoothly with our helpful videos. Learn setup, routine maintenance, and troubleshooting to minimise downtime and stress.

Let's get started! How to use your slush machine

This short video is useful for staff training for the first time they use the slush drinks machine so everyone knows what to do right from the start.

Adjusting the consistency of the slush mix

You have the ability to adjust the consistency regulator on your Slush Machine to serve your customers with the perfect slush drink experience, no matter the weather.

We recommend you only adjust this setting if there’s a significant change in temperature, such as a heatwave, as the machine is factory-set to the best consistency for most normal situations.

How to clean your slush machine

It is very important to keep your slush machine clean. This should be carried out once a week if using a water based product or every three days when using a dairy based product like milk shake.

To avoid future freezing problems, keep the condenser clean

This should be carried outat leastonce a month to avoid future freezing problems. It only takes 10 minutes and is very easy to do. If this task has been neglected on your slush machine then the condenser may need a more detailed clean. We have another instruction video about this too.

Slush machine taking a long time to freeze?

If your Slush Machine is taking longer to freeze than normal, it’s possible the condenser is blocked. This happens when the condenser is not cleaned regularly as indicated in the video above.
This video gives instruction on how to deep clean the condenser and give your slush machine a new lease of life.

One bowl on a slush machine is not freezing

When one bowl on your slush machine is not freezing correctly, it’s usually a simple fix and not necessarily a problem with the refrigeration system. Check out this video for some troubleshooting steps, or give us a call and we’ll do what we can to get your machine back up-and-running.

How to change the gearbox motor when one bowl is not turning

If one bowl is not turning, it’s most likely a gearbox malfunction.
Don’t panic! They are very easy to change, and this video will show you how in a few simple steps.

How to dry test a slush machine

Dry testing a slush machine can be a quick way to diagnose problems with the refrigeration system, and our engineer may ask you to do this before deciding on further action. Don’t panic! It’s easy.


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